
Get out of your OWN way!

by Troy Mattison Jan 2023

This entry might make some of you feel very seen… but it has to be said.

We are no longer in the age of holding our gifts and talents back.

The pandemic has been flipping our world upside and down, for better and some part for the worse. Lives have been changed, lessons have been learned, and as a millennial who has had no break when it comes experiencing world issues and trauma Life is Too Short and Fragile to hold yourself back from living your best life. From sharing your talents with an audience that you are meant to lead. From teaching others how to do what you know and enrich lives. From feeling happy. From going for the life you dream of. Dreams are spiritual benchmarks that are meant to be chased and fulfilled to leave a legacy and purpose. They are not mere fantasies that come out of thin air. If it is a constant in your mind and heart, it’s meant for you to chase. It is your DUTY.

I have experienced not sharing my talents or a thought because I felt it wasn’t complete… or perfect. I’ve done that for years at a time. And now that I’ve released perfectionism and hoping people will like me, going balls to the wall has brought on so many more blessings in different forms. Some of you have a story to share or an idea to make reality, and you’re holding on to it like a dirty little secret watching everyone else pass by attaining the life you want for yourself. I’m not saying some of those people don’t deserve it, but let’s be honest, there’s less talent and original thinkers winning at life because they show up, produce, put out, and don’t look back. And here you are sitting with your epic thoughts and Pinterest mood boards galore, hoping to be discovered in the dark corner of your bedroom and you’re wondering why life hasn’t changed. It’s selfish to hold back gifts. It’s selfish for you keeping the life you deserve away from you, and it’s selfish to the folks who can learn so much from you. No one wins when you hold back from following your heart and being authentically yourself.

Don’t worry about the imperfections YOU can only see. Everyone starts somewhere, and with time and CONSISTENCY, your production gets better and refined (especially if youre being intentional and staying grounded.)

If you have something you want to share with the world, it can be anything. A book, a recipe, fashion content, self help, ANYTHING ! the first thing you want to do is make sure you are clear on what you know and feel within yourself to share. Start showing it, talk about it but SHOW IT. Expose it as your life’s truth. Back up your talk with action. INVEST in your passion and KEEP showing up in that testimony. Candice Brathwaite said it best recently, Be the Sunrise and the Sunset for your audience or customers. Be the dependable sharer/provider, so they know they can always depend on your guidance and your positivity.

Be fucking for real about what you have to offer the world. You know if you hide behind self-made limitations NO ONE will ever know what you contain. You will NEVER experience the life you want in the way you want to obtain it if you hide from it. What ifs will continue to eat away at your heart until you release self limiting behavior. And understand this: once you begin to step into the direction you feel most pulled in, you will question if it’s working? You will question if anyone cares or sees it?

Time will prove to you, sacrifices, hard work and consistency does payoff. Even if it seems like no one is looking (especially the ones you hope are noticing you)… they actually are and want to keep that from you. Don’t do it for confirmation of others, do it for yourself. If it feels right to you, then that’s all that really matters. Your tribe will find you, and the haters will watch and note it from afar. They will copy you or jump in as your career is taking off saying “I knew you were going to make it this whole time”! Success may not happen overnight, but no movement at all, yields no results or change.

So if you know you have a dream to fulfill, Own your talent, Move on it, and GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY.